How to exclude the values from a field based on the selected client in the parameter
I have a parameter 'Selected Company' that has 3 values (Client 1, Client 2 and Client 3) and I created this bar chart to benchmark between the selected company and all companies together. Everything looks great except the fact that I need to exclude the blank primary issues from the chart that are coming from the selected client. , i.e., I need to exclude the highlighted primary issues from the chart because the selected client 'Client 2' has no data behind these primary issues, so I want to remove them from the view and display only primary issue that the selected client has data for.
I have one year of data and need to display the sales value for six months using an aggregated calculated field. However, I keep encountering an error stating that I cannot mix aggregated and non-aggregated fields.
Here are few examples calculated field i have used
IF MONTH([P Valuation date]) = 6 THEN [Net Value (LfL)] ELSE NULL END
{ FIXED [P Valuation date] : SUM(IF MONTH([P Valuation date]) = 6 THEN [Net Value (LfL)] END) }
Here net value (LfL) is an aggregated.
I need this calculation as new table, so that I that could use this for other calculations.
Hi all, I would like to compare data from 2 tables which are the same but each of them has seperate filter.
Hi all, I would like to compare data from 2 tables which are the same but each of them has seperate filter. I would like to compare data based on the current filter. This is to compare the same data based on different period and it works but I also want to include comparison like in this period the sales was 10 % higher compare to the other period (table below)
How to have a sparkline chart follow the rank of a bar chart filtering on single month?
Hello Tableau friends!
I need help solving for two calculation items in the same worksheet (Sparkline chart)
NEED #1: Get the sparkline chart to rank in the same order as the Bar Chart worksheet.
NEED #2: Get the sparkline chart to color the background of the highlighted sub-category product using the coloring calc I developed for the Bar Chart....which is the following:
IF [Sub-Category]= [HIGHLIGHT - SUB-CATEGORY ONLY] THEN "FEATURED Sub-Category" ELSE "Sub-Category" END
I've created a dashboard that has 2 separate charts based on the same metric. One is a bar chart that ranks sub-category products by sales for a selected month in a filter (RANK BY DATE FILTER). The second chart is a companion sparkline column chart with two filters of its own. A date grain filter so the user can show the sparkline by months or quarters or years. Also a timeline date filter so the user can cherry-pick or select the exact amount of months it wants to show in that timeline.
Details for need #1 to solve? I want to rank the sparkline chart in the same order as the bar chart which is filtering on a single month. I've attached multiple aids for this to explain what I'm looking for. So, in the example listed; if envelopes ranks #7 on the bar chart. it should also rank #7 on the sparkline. But I wasn't able to get my rank calc to work on the sparkline.
Details for need #2 to solve? In the sparkline chart I want the header to dynamically color the background of the highlight sub-category product in the HIGHLIGHT - SUB-CATEGORY ONLY parameter dropdrown. So, if the parameter has "Envelopes" selected then the background color of Envelopes on the header of the sparkline chart should be yellow (To match the look of the bar chart). I wasn't able to match the synchronized dual-axis setup from the bar chart to the sparkline so I could highlight the highlighted product name. So I need help to find a way to do it here.
Is it possible to view underlying data in the calculated field without action filters. Looks simple but a complex problem.
Hi All, I am trying to display the name of customers when I click on the number 4(generated from the calculated field) without adding additional filters on the filter card, looks simple but its bit complex problem. attached is the twbx.
How can I selectively allocate values from 1 column into 2 different columns based on other attributes?
I have a dataset that shows $ Value and date. From this dataset, I want to add 2 fields,: Value and Last Year Value. These fields will show Value as of a given period, and Last Year Value of 12 months/ 1 year prior to given period. How can I do this?
I currently use this calculation, but it doesn't seem to work.
This Year Value: IF DATETRUNC('year', [Date]) = DATETRUNC('month', TODAY()) then [Value] else null end
I understand this one doesn't work. Could I just use the original $ Value field and filter down to wanted periods?
Last year value: IF (DATETRUNC('year', [Date]) + 1 = DATETRUNC('year', TODAY())) then [ARR] else null end
I'm confused about what calculation to use here to get the Value 1 year prior compared to the above field
My ideal end state is to divide Value/Last year Value.
Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thank youj!
I would like to calculate the average of the column for the retention rate. However, when I use the auto average in the analysis tab. The numbers don't seem right.
For example, for month 11, there is only 1 value 8.8%. The average should be 8.8% but it shows 1%. I assume it was derived from 8.8% divided by the total number of rows. How can I omit those rows with no value and display the average as 8.8%?
Hi! I am wondering if there is a way to do a view I would like to show with some simple calcutation.
Let's say i have percent of sales in each month, aggregated by department and Region.
I would like to "normalize" the percentages under the Region, so for example in January I would like to see in total Furniture 33.93% (the way as it is now), but would like the Region values adding to 100% (so to see how furniture distribution of sales looks like).
I can do this seperately - but is it possible to mix the calculation for total and other rows? i would like to see total from view 1 and other values from view 2 from attached workbook.
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