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How to have a sparkline chart follow the rank of a bar chart filtering on single month?
Hello Tableau friends!
I need help solving for two calculation items in the same worksheet (Sparkline chart)
NEED #1: Get the sparkline chart to rank in the same order as the Bar Chart worksheet.
NEED #2: Get the sparkline chart to color the background of the highlighted sub-category product using the coloring calc I developed for the Bar Chart....which is the following:
IF [Sub-Category]= [HIGHLIGHT - SUB-CATEGORY ONLY] THEN "FEATURED Sub-Category" ELSE "Sub-Category" END
I've created a dashboard that has 2 separate charts based on the same metric. One is a bar chart that ranks sub-category products by sales for a selected month in a filter (RANK BY DATE FILTER). The second chart is a companion sparkline column chart with two filters of its own. A date grain filter so the user can show the sparkline by months or quarters or years. Also a timeline date filter so the user can cherry-pick or select the exact amount of months it wants to show in that timeline.
Details for need #1 to solve? I want to rank the sparkline chart in the same order as the bar chart which is filtering on a single month. I've attached multiple aids for this to explain what I'm looking for. So, in the example listed; if envelopes ranks #7 on the bar chart. it should also rank #7 on the sparkline. But I wasn't able to get my rank calc to work on the sparkline.
Details for need #2 to solve? In the sparkline chart I want the header to dynamically color the background of the highlight sub-category product in the HIGHLIGHT - SUB-CATEGORY ONLY parameter dropdrown. So, if the parameter has "Envelopes" selected then the background color of Envelopes on the header of the sparkline chart should be yellow (To match the look of the bar chart). I wasn't able to match the synchronized dual-axis setup from the bar chart to the sparkline so I could highlight the highlighted product name. So I need help to find a way to do it here.
I have a table that shows the difference in # orders for each month broken out by location and status (open and complete). On columns, I have Month(Order Date) and on rows, I have Location and Status. I used the default table calc on Order id to see the difference for each month. For example, if I had 74 open and 70 closed for January and 76 open and 63 closed for February, I'd see a 2 and -7 for February. These numbers should in theory be increasing every month, but there are rare cases when we see a decrease (like 70 to 63).
Underneath this chart, I have a table. I'd like my table to only show the delta records when a number is selected on the top chart. So if my user selects -7, they should see the 7 records that dropped off from the previous month. I think this is might be doable with set actions, but not 100% sure. Any thoughts? I attached a poorly mocked up picture of what I'm trying to accomplish
How can I highlight the background color of a sub-category product in a header, selected by way of a parameter?
Hi Tableau friends!
Can I get some assistance with the following below?
In the sparkline chart I want the header to dynamically color the background of the highlight sub-category product in the HIGHLIGHT - SUB-CATEGORY ONLY parameter dropdown. So, if the parameter has "Envelopes" selected then the background color of Envelopes on the header of the sparkline chart should be yellow as well (To match the look of the bar chart). I wasn't able to match the synchronized dual-axis setup from the bar chart to the sparkline so I could highlight the highlighted product name. So, I need help to find a way to do it here. Workbook and images attached!
Bar Graph Error - Need to filter out duplicate values
I have a dual axis view with bar graph and line graph, line graph shows total values and bar graph is grouped by Distributor, showing same values.
My data has Distributor, Restaurant Names, and Year; a Restaurant can be assigned to 2 different Distributors in a given year.
I am trying to get a distinct count of restaurants per year but as I am using color to separate different distributors on my bar graph, it is counting a restaurant twice if it was assigned to 2 different Distributors.
How can I fix to remove duplicate values to show only 1 restaurant count irrespective of the distributors it was assigned to. (I still need the grouping on bar graph by Distributors).
Is there a calculation that will sum the measures from different sheets on a dashboard?
In this scenario, I have 5 sheets places on a dashboard that I would like to be able to add up on that given dashboard. The measures on each sheet change (aren't static numbers) so I need the calculation to capture the dynamic nature of the sheets on the dashboard.
Furthermore, if possible, I would like to then subtract that sum of the 5 sheets from another sheet that is on that dashboard. So being able to define which sheet needs to sum vs subtract from would be necessary I believe.
How to show only those at 100% complete with only the latest date
Hello, I am hoping someone can help me figure this out.
If I have 10 team members
each employee has 3 Primary Request numbers
Each of the 3 primary request numbers have 30 Sub Request numbers
I want to see when each team member has reached 100% complete on all 90 of their sub request numbers but I only want to see the completed date of the most recent sub request number, is this possible?
Right now it shows me the completed date for every single sub request number once they have reached 100% but I only want to see the most recent.
Unable to upload a workbook due to employer firewall
HI Folks, I want to find the average price of the 10% highest-priced properties in any given year. For instance, in 2024, I had 1947 sales - I would like to obtain the average for the 19 highest-priced properties etc.
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