I am getting this error: An error occurred while communicating with data source 'Sourcing Event - Cycle Time (RAW DATA) 7.1.2019 - 12.31.2024.xlsx - sheet1'
I have replaced the source data, but I get this issue for a second data set (unrelated) . I have tested both data sets in separate vizzes, but when I add the second data source, it gives me: Unable to proceed because of an error from the data source. I am completely stumped on why this error is happening.
How can I use a Dashboard Action to dynamically link my Hex Map and Stacked Bar Chart in Tableau?
Specifically, I want the Stacked Bar Chart to update based on user interaction with the Hex Map. When a user hovers over a state on the Hex Map, the Stacked Bar Chart should display only the top three candies for that selected state.
How do I group values, and display their collective properties?
I'm creating a pie chart representing how many wins each national team has in FIFA World Cup history. 5 of these teams have over 50% of the total wins, and I want to be able to group the the remaining teams, and show them as a single wedge of the chart, as well as displaying their collective percentage of wins in the label and tooltip. Am I able to do this in Tableau Public?
ratio of cumulative sum of value 1 aggregated at different column a / cumulative sum of value 2 aggregated at different column b
when value of column a = value of column b
I have a table at loan_id and collected amount at different collect dates. alongside I have a fixed recovery date for the loan_id. while collect month will vary for each loan_id, recovery month is only once for each loan_id. how to achieve this ratio in tableau. I want to groupby sum of pending amount at first recovery month level for each distinct loan_id. then i want to find the cumulative sum of pending amount at first recovery month level. similarly. i want to find the cumulative collected amount , cumulated at collect month level. then i want the ratio of cumulated collected amount / cumulated pending amount for each month, where first recovery month = collect month
How to use maps to click on a point, then zoom on that point and also show the points that are in a certain distance
Hello Everyone, I have been trying to create a map with two different entities : Stores and registered customers. I want to be able to click on a certain store on the map, Zoom on that region, and have the customers within a certain distance of that store show as well.
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