Error “Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation.”
I have 3 sources as .csv files- I use them as extract in Tableau Desktop.
Date Segment Savings
1/1/2024 S1 100
2/1/2024 S2 150
3/1/2024 S3 170
4/1/2024 S1 200
5/1/2024 S2 250
6/1/2024 S3 260
7/1/2024 S1 300
8/1/2024 S2 340
9/1/2024 S1 510
10/1/2024 S2 180
11/1/2024 S2 175
12/1/2024 S3 165
DATEGbp to Usd
1/1/2024 1.12
2/1/2024 1.15
3/1/2024 0.73
4/1/2024 1.16
5/1/2024 1.02
6/1/2024 0.98
7/1/2024 1.13
8/1/2024 1.45
9/1/2024 1.67
10/1/2024 1.78
11/1/2024 1.54
12/1/2024 0.99
I am joining Source 1 and Source2 on date and multiplying Savings with GBp to USD to get rates for each month. I am using AGG(Savings) function on Dashboard.
Now , I want to provide user access filter based on Manager so i want to use another source -
Manager Segment
M1 S1
M1 S2
M2 S1
M3 S1
M3 S2
M3 S3
M4 S2
M5 S3
I am joining Source1 and Source3 on Segment and creating a user access filter where username() = Manager, All the functions are working fine except the AGG(Savings) which is giving me above error. Is there a way i can resolve this? Thank you.
Why is my Trend Line the same color as my Line Chart?
Hi, I added a trend line one of my line charts in a dual axis line chart. I noticed that changing the color of the trend line on the format pane doesn't have an effect and that changing the color of the line chart will always change the trend line to the same color.I want my trend line to have a different color in order to stand out.
How to sort on parameter selection /calculated field - % ?
Hi everyone,
I have a dashboard that uses param/calc to sort different columns. However, when I use var % in the sort calculation, I get an error stating that it 'cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate functions'. Can anyone pls suggest how to fix this?
Need Help Changing Email on Tableau Public – Stuck in a Loop!
Hi DataFam,
I need some help changing the email address on my Tableau Public account. I originally registered with my school email seven years ago, but the school has since discontinued it. You’d think this would be straightforward, but when I tried updating it, I kept getting redirected to a page claiming my account is a Tableau Cloud email. (
I reached out to the Tableau Cloud team, but they told me my account isn’t associated with any Cloud instance (email attached). I’ve been bounced around between three Tableau teams (Operations, Public, and Cloud), and now no one is responding to help me update my email.
I’m really frustrated and worried I might lose access to my Tableau Public account, where all my visualizations are stored. Has anyone faced a similar issue or found a way to resolve it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Troubleshooting dashboard. I had published a dashboard last year, but due to unknown reasons, the layout is appearing incorrectly. I tried republishing it but to no effect. What could be wrong?
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