Employee data, using UniqueID full outer to join... When no match, can I join using Employee name?
Hi, I have two data sources of employee information and using "UniqueID" full outer join to find matches. There are instances where the UniqueID's don't match and when that is not that case, I'd like the data to join by Employee Name. Is this a possiblity, or how do I account for this?
Hey all – so I’ve looked at instructions through this forum from a Diego Martinez about the Data Driven Parameter extension, and also a website on flerlagetwins.com about loading it, and I am having major issues properly following those directions to get my viz to work. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction? Below I think is the relevant information you'd need to understand my issue.
What I am expecting/wanting to happen on the ‘test all parameter’ tab in Tableau:
1) The Data Driven Parameter Extension (bottom middle of ‘test all parameter’) shows a drop down of all groups shown as in the ‘Greeks Extension List’ parameter.
2) When this is adjusted, it then changes the value of the ‘Greeks Extension’ parameter, thusly changing to the relevant value in the very right column of the ‘Security Level extension’ sheet at the top of that dashboard.
3) When the dashboard is initially opened, that ‘All’ data points are being shown, as in the ‘Individual Product’ tab.
What is currently happening:
1) Not that ☹ it shows only the currently-selected option in “Greeks Extension List”
2) This doesappear to show the proper data, and then it also has ‘All’ which does not show all data. The only way it shows something else is if I change the value in the greeks extension list, and then reload the middle extension parameter.
3) It only shows the data point of the currently-selected option in “Greeks Extension List”
I got multiple dimensions in rows and multiple dimensions in columns...the first dimension in row needs to be top aligned, which isn't working. Can you please guide how to achieve this?
pl see the category name in column header...it needs to come on top.
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