How can I use a Dashboard Action to dynamically link my Hex Map and Stacked Bar Chart in Tableau?
Specifically, I want the Stacked Bar Chart to update based on user interaction with the Hex Map. When a user hovers over a state on the Hex Map, the Stacked Bar Chart should display only the top three candies for that selected state.
How can I create a default view of a filter based on button click without losing unselected options?
As the question title states, I'm trying to create a default view for a year-quarter field (string, 2022-Q1, 2022-Q2 etc.). At the press of a reset button, I want to reset the view to start from 2021-Q1 till the latest entry. However, I still want to retain the data prior to 2021-Q1 as well for user selection. The whole data goes back to 2018-Q1.
I followed the guide on this link by Steve Wood and it works, but my year-quarter filter loses all the options prior to 2021-Q1 for a user to manually select.
I'm also attaching a copy of the same workbook that Steve Wood added to the response. I was using his 'Region (set)' filter as a reference for my year-quarter filter.
Hey all – so I’ve looked at instructions through this forum from a Diego Martinez about the Data Driven Parameter extension, and also a website on about loading it, and I am having major issues properly following those directions to get my viz to work. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction? Below I think is the relevant information you'd need to understand my issue.
What I am expecting/wanting to happen on the ‘test all parameter’ tab in Tableau:
1) The Data Driven Parameter Extension (bottom middle of ‘test all parameter’) shows a drop down of all groups shown as in the ‘Greeks Extension List’ parameter.
2) When this is adjusted, it then changes the value of the ‘Greeks Extension’ parameter, thusly changing to the relevant value in the very right column of the ‘Security Level extension’ sheet at the top of that dashboard.
3) When the dashboard is initially opened, that ‘All’ data points are being shown, as in the ‘Individual Product’ tab.
What is currently happening:
1) Not that ☹ it shows only the currently-selected option in “Greeks Extension List”
2) This doesappear to show the proper data, and then it also has ‘All’ which does not show all data. The only way it shows something else is if I change the value in the greeks extension list, and then reload the middle extension parameter.
3) It only shows the data point of the currently-selected option in “Greeks Extension List”
How do I get the previous Month rank to compute using the entire dataset ignoring the top 10 filter
I have a list of Customers and their transactions amounts. I am trying to create a text table in tableau that provides the Top 10 customers, their current month transaction amount, current month rank by transaction, previous month transaction amount and previous month rank based on transaction amounts. I created the derived calculations and ranks but after applying the top 10 filter for customers based on Trans amt. The previous month ranks are being impacted by the top 10 filter. I am able to get the desired results after applying a rank filter instead of top 10 filter but then the grand totals show for the entire dataset instead of just the top 10. I would prefer the grand totals to be just for the top 10.
How to programmatically change date filters using <viz-filter> or the Embedded API?
We are embedding a view in our application and need to programmatically change what filters are applied to the report before it loads on the page. I have been able to accomplish this using <viz-filter field="some" value="thing" /> for all filters except the date range filters. We've tried changing the filters to different styles (a Range of Dates slider filter and trying two Start Date -> End Date filters) and neither are effected by the values passed in on the viz-filter. Ideally, we should have it set up so that you can pass the viz an end date and it will change the start date relative to that value so that you're always looking at the same span of time (e.g. 4 weeks, 2 months, etc.).
I've checked for grammatical errors. I've tried downloading the tableau-api from npm and initializing the viz in a different way. The only method that I haven't tried successfully has been inserting the appyFiltersAsync() method because the documentation doesn't show you how to import tableau into a React Component, and I am unable to access it from the window property.
Tableau Desktop repeatedly asks to reconnect to data source.
I have one user who intermittandly is being asked to reconnect to the data source in Tableau Desktop 2022.1.3. When they click yes, the same screen pops up again asking if they want to reconnect to the data source. They could press yes over and over for 10 minutes without it ever resolving.
If they click no they get the following message.
They can then save the desktop workbook, close and reopen it and connect with no issue.
Has anyone had experience with this? The data source is an extract, and others can use it with no issue. The user is on a VM that has the same image as all other Desktop users.
How to add a target line that changes based on the filter?
Hello. I'm trying to build a stacked bar chart to track revenue progress throughout the year. I've attached a screenshot of my progress so far for reference. I'm trying to use the 'FY Target' measure as a reference line that adjusts based on the Filters. The data is set up properly so that the 'FY Target' is detailed to the level necessary, but I cannot figure out how to add the reference line so that it will adjust. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
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