Ciara Brennan (Tableau)
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Leonid Trofymchuk (Member) asked a question.
I tried to run WDC3.0 example in Tableau Desktop - Basic Auth Connector
And I notices that user secrets is leaked in Documents/My Tableau Repository/Logs/log.txt file:
{"ts":"2025-01-24T13:05:17.680","pid":33588,"tid":"505d0","sev":"info","req":"-","sess":"-","site":"-","traceid":"-","user":"-","k":"msg","v":"EPS Response: {\"extractorType\":\"eps\",\"port\":9095,\"extractorId\":\"44e8a599-4e91-434f-8f99-8e4e09e1c031\",\"status\":\"extract\",\"connectionData\":{\"handlerInputs\":[{\"fetcher\":\"DataFetcher\",\"parser\":\"taco:excel-file-parser\",\"data\":{},\"name\":\"unique-workbook-name\"}]},\"secrets\":{\"username\":\"user\",\"password\":\"12345\"}}"}
However, In Documents/My Tableau Repository/Logs/EPS, secrets are masked as expected:
{"ts":"2025-01-24T11:05:15.340Z","pid":"33734","sev":"info","sourceName":"EPS","v":"{ listeningServer: 'EpsApi', method: 'POST', type: 'received request', url: '/extract/my-basic-auth-connector', headers: { host: 'localhost:9089', connection: '********', 'content-length': '119', secrets: '********', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '\"macOS\"', 'plugin-path': my-basic-auth-connector%2Fmy-basic-auth-connector-1.0.0.taco', 'sec-ch-ua': '\"Not A(Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"132\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"132\"', 'caller-id': 'NwG3cjfaEhJKWOZkLr8l8i', 'connector-class': 'my-basic-auth-connector', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'connection-id': 'my-basic-auth-connector.1dg174a1frc3pb12bjcnp1t0or8j', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'eps-instance-id': '25b945c8-6a85-4fc2-9f41-540d3d6c0834', 'content-type': 'application/json', accept: '*/*', origin: 'http://localhost:9094', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', referer: 'http://localhost:9094/', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br, zstd', 'accept-language': 'en-GB,en;q=0.9' } }"}
Is it issue in WDC3.0 example or Tableau Desktop security issue?
Tableau Desktop 2024.3.3
@tableau/taco-toolkit 2.1.0
Thank you!
Trung Luong Thanh (Member) asked a question.
Hi guys,
Hope you all doing good.
I have encountered a problem. When I publish my report and tick the option "Show sheets as tab" like the picture below:
My report on the server will be like this:
It has 4 views next to each other
So I would like to set permission to USER A, he can only see the views from 1-3, not the fourth(View Chi Nhanh). How can I resolve it or any workaround ?
Thanks a lot
Duy Van
Tableau Community (Tableau) asked a question.
I was looking at setting up viewing permissions on a visualization depending on what team people belong to.
The sheet shows how different projects are performing on different KPIs.
Basically, I would like users to only see projects that they are directly linked to.
Some people are staff members and should only see their own projects (to the exclusion of checking out how their colleagues are doing)
Some people are team leaders and should see all projects within their team
Some people are to see everything.
How would one set up this sort of structure?
Many thanks!
Jonathan Naert (Member) asked a question.
We recently upgraded tableau server from 2023.1 to 2023.3 during this upgrade we also installed an self-signed SSL certificate for the first time. However, users have been complaining about having to login twice even when using correct credentials.
When they get the signin screen they first get a blank page with a browser pop up asking them for their credentials, this step always seems to always fail however with the error "sign in failed". It brings them to the 'standard' login screen where they have the ability to enter credentials again or "sign in using your windows credentials" both of these work.
I personally have not experienced this issue, it succeeds after the first pop up. But i have seen other users and admins experience this issue.
we're using local authentication.
Do any of you have any idea what might be the cause of this?
Big thanks in advance!
Sobhan Sai Kuriti (Member) asked a question.
I have denied filter permissions for a user. As expected, the user cannot view or interact with the filter. However, the user can still access and interact with the filter action (a sheet used as a filter in the dashboard).
Is this behavior expected or a potential bug?
I would like to restrict the user from interacting with the filter action as well. Are there any workarounds? Noticed the same behaviour in both cloud and server.
Reference for Filter actions -
Scott Naleway (Member) asked a question.
Our Tableau Server Deployment Details:
Tableau Server 2023.3.1
5 Windows 2019 Servers (HA env)
No Data Management (i.e. no Tableau Catalog)
No Advanced Management
What I am being asked to do for my Tableau Server deployment:
I work for a company in the financial services sector. My company's governance, risk, and compliance team is mandating that our Tableau Server admin team put in place a process to ensure that data living on the server does not become stale, or fails top get updated beyond a certain timeframe to ensure any customer data is handled in compliance with certain regulations and standards. Apparently there is either an internal record retention standard at my company or a legal statute that requires that certain types of data that lives untouched in the same storage location for differing periods of time "must be treated as a 'record,' and therefore, must follow a certain record retention schedule..." which would require a ton of additional processes and strain on our Tableau Admin team to meet.
Extracted content and content with external files
I have a solid understanding of the postgresql repository. From the repository, I am able to capture details about the age of extracted content and the age of the extracts/hyper files themselves pretty easily. However, I cannot find any details about how or where Tableau Server stores "external files" and how it maintains a link between these files and the content it is tied to, either a published data source or a published workbook.
What do I mean by "external files?"
When a creator publishes a workbook to the server and leaves the box check for Include External Files (see attached screenshot). Note: even if the external file has a "live" connection, it appears that Tableau Server still uptakes a copy of that file (or data and metadata from the file).
How can the Tableau Community help?
I'd like to know:
What I have found in my research thus far:
Say I publish a workbook with one live connection to an Excel file, then I publish it to the server and leave the Include External Files box checked, it appears that Tableau Server may not actually store a hard copy of that Excel file on the server. Rather, it behaves as if it converts the data about the excel file into some encoded binary or XML data and likely stores this in the repository (there has to be a key or ID that somehow links the workbook XML to the external file data, but I cannot find it). Then, when a viewer opens up a dashboard form the workbook that uses the external Excel file data, Tableau creates a temporary copy of the actual excel file and places it in a temporary vizql folder that seems to disappear when the viewer's session has ended. The location of the temporary file might look something like this:
E:\Tableau Server\data\tabsvc\temp\vizqlserver_0.20233.23.1227.1336\TableauTemp\374687437\Data\Naleway\my_excel_file.xlsx
I was able to find this file on my server while I had a dashboard open online, but when I checked for it again, the folder and the file were gone.
Tip: I was able to find the file on the server due to the data contained in the repository in workgroup.public.data_connections.keychain for the connection to the excel file (see attached Data Connection Details - Live-Packaged Excel File.png). In that attached image, the top record is for an identical "live" connection in another workbook, however, for that one, I placed the file on an accessible fileshare and "did not check the include external files box." The bottom one corresponds to the connection where I did check the box for include external files.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
I'm trying to figure out the best way to add permissions to Tableau Cloud Projects. We have Explorers (Publish), Viewers and Creators. We want to allow explorers to edit workbooks in production projects but not to be able to save them there. They can save their versions in Sandbox projects. We want to publish data sources to Data projects. I put together an attached document that seems to work, but I'd love to get ideas from others on what the best approach for implementing this is.
Twinkle Bansal (Member) asked a question.
Hi All,
I need to implement RLS in live connection so I created a calculated field like USERNAME() and then created a parameter and set that parameter to this calculated field on 'value when workbook opens to'.
Now in my CUSTOM sql I have used below join condition:
ON VIEW.LAN_ID=<Parameter.username>
It is giving me blank value while opening workbook and when I check the parameter it says cannot assign null values to parameter.
I also cannot set my sql to return all records since it is huge dataset. Please suggest how can I implement RLS with this setup?
Please check out our post with some tips on asking a question and how to help you get answers more quickly.
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