Ciara Brennan (Tableau)
Michiko Ohkubo (Member) asked a question.
一番下の「検証 実績一覧|選択事業部」で算出した過程をクロス表で入れております。
フォルダ名 頭0→上述データソース
フォルダ名 頭1→受注率算出のために作成したもの
フォルダ名 頭2→売上平均値算出のために作成したもの
フォルダ名 頭3→受注率を売上と同様の方法で算出しようと途中まで試みたもの
Julien Rocton (Member) asked a question.
J'aimerai faire un graphique avec 2 'mesures' identiques mais filtre different (ex: chiffre affaire) et une 'dimension' (departement: sante, RH etc). La premiere 'mesure' donne la moyenne du Chiffre d'affaire de tous les clients selon les modalites de la dimension (donc fixe et aucun filtre, c'est ma base de comparaison). La deuxieme mesure c'est la meme chose mais avec la selection du filtre d'un client. Le but est de comparer sur un graphique les chiffres de mon client versus la moyenne de tous les clients.
Comment peut on faire cela sur Tableau sans faire 2 graphiques mais 1 seul svp?
I would like to do a graphic with 2 modalities , the same but with differents filters (for example : amount) and 1 dimension (department: RH, health etc). The first measure is the average of the amount for all the clients according to the modalities of dimension ( no filter). The other measure is the same but with a filter of one client. The purpose is to compare the results with just one graphic and not 2.
How do to it please ?
For example with the picture, below:
Best regards,
Mitchell Leon (Member) asked a question.
I have a dashboard that I am creating in Japanese. It appears that Tableau handles Japanese characters different than English. My English sentences can be expanded to the full view, while Japanese sentences get cut off. Any ideas on how the Japanese sentences can be show in full? Thanks!
ANA OLMEDA (Member) asked a question.
I need to have a dashboard both in English and Spanish, where the clients can choose the language at the beginning, for instance by clicking in a flag. By now I have a workbook containing 3 dashboards in Spanish, with different worksheet, texts in objects etc. So, which is the best way to do it?
I think one option is duplicating all the worksheets, object and dashboards and translate them into English. After that, I would create a first dashboard with the flags (being buttons). Clicking the English flag, it would point and show only to the English worksheets and objects, and the same thing for the Spanish flag. My only concern is that with this methodology -duplicating all the elements- the workbook will be too large and might slow the workbook.
Is there a better way to do multi-language workbook with Tableau?
Many thanks
Subhra Mandal (Member) asked a question.
We have a requirement to support Translating/localizing Dashboard based on different region. We need to implement this functionality in Tableau Dashboard. Could you please help us how to implement this functionality.
FYI, We have our Language translation tables where Text and the translated text in different languages are kept. We can create a parameter called Language (Select language from drop down list) in workbook and a user defined function in Database (I/P - Field name, Language) to translate the values and for static fields we use calculated fields to translate.
(e.g. for static text
IF language = 'English' then 'Title'
ELSE IF language = 'French' then 'Titre'
END ).
But we don't find any options to translate the columns names in a Table.element.
Please let me know if you have any ways to implement.
修人 笠木 (Member) asked a question.
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