Ciara Brennan (Tableau)
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Joshua Ubaldo (Member) asked a question.
Hi, I added a trend line one of my line charts in a dual axis line chart. I noticed that changing the color of the trend line on the format pane doesn't have an effect and that changing the color of the line chart will always change the trend line to the same color.I want my trend line to have a different color in order to stand out.
Best Answer
@Joshua Ubaldo (Member)
Hi, (right clic on the trend line, edit trend lines):
Uncheck "allow a trend line per color"
Also, probably the opacity percentage will make it look like gray, but if you move the opacity and style a little more, you will find the color is there:
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Diego Martinez
Tableau Visionary and Forums Ambassador
kartik chinchkhedkar (Member) asked a question.
Hello Developers,
I have prepared text table showing bank wise values , measure names are in column shelf , i found some of banks have values overlapping (Refer to the snap) . Is there any solution for this?
I have tried to see the data by clicking on overlapping text , it is showing 2 rows in summary and 1 row in full data , do not know why it is happening , does anyone know how to fix this?
if tableau found values from same bank why tableau is not aggregating these values if i used sum(Value) as measure? why tableau is overlapping the text ?
kappa nn (Member) asked a question.
Hi everyone,
I am working on a text table in Tableau. I have already achieved the desired structure by placing all the necessary dimensions in the rows. However, I am missing higher-level column headers to group certain columns together.
For example, I need to place the Location, id and Code columns under a new header called Company (which does not exist as a dimension in my data).
How can I add these macro headers without using dimension values as column headers?
Best Answer
@kappa nn (Member) Yes-- if you are using dimensions only you can achieve this by pivoting your data set (so it includes ID, Code, Ready, Active, and whatever else you want).
Then create a GROUP of your pivot names and group the ones you want together,
Rename each group so it is meaningful.
Put [Pivot Names Group] followed by [Pivot Names] on Columns and you should be done!
You can also do this by joining your data to Data Scaffold {1,2,3.. and so on for as many main categories as you require}. With the scaffold we will assign a number to each dimension so we can better cycle through them. If you want to know more about data scaffold / densification, let me know!
Change your scaffold number to a dimension rather than measure.
Create your Values:
Scaffold Values
CASE [Scaffold Number]
WHEN 1 THEN [Metric 1]
WHEN 2 THEN [Metric 2]
...and so on
Note: these must all be the same aggregation.
Make a similar one for your header:
Scaffold Header
CASE [Scaffold Number]
WHEN 1 THEN "Metric 1"
WHEN 2 THEN "Metric 2"
...and so on
As detailed above, create a GROUP of your scaffold number and edit the names. For example, you'd probably want to group 1 and 2 together and call it "Company."
Place this group, followed by [Scaffold Header] on Columns with [Scaffold Value] in Text.
You can also go with a side-by-side view as previously mentioned, but remember views won't scroll dynamically. You can get around this using a pagination feature.
Good luck!
Michael Hesser (Tableau Forum Ambassador)
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zoheb akber (Member) asked a question.
Hi Team,
We have reached so much advancements in Tableau. Why is it that we are still missing such basic requirement.
My dashboards have to be created only in Automatic Size Dashboard option as my viewers are on different screen size:
I need to have rounded corners tiled containers so that they resize accordingly.
All the options, work arounds of creating background images etc...will only work for fixed size dashboards.
Can anyone help me achieving this for auto size...
Thank you so mucj
Gregory McDonald (Member) asked a question.
We use a lot of calculated fields because oftentimes there are several corrections to the content of a field, and there is a hierarchy to which version of this information should be prioritized, although all must be recorded.
Salesforce cannot export the result of a calculation done within it, so that has to be done in Tableau. That is fine, but because of that, the field I end up with is a calculation.
To make things easier/more understandable for both me and anyone else who edits the same charts, I tend to name calculated fields to be things that very specifically explain how they came to exist, and use other text indicators that they are fields we actually want to use in visualizations.
As an example: //ULT Duration/60 is the name of a field
// makes it easy to search, ULT Duration is the formula that chooses the right version of the duration, which is originally a calculation anyway.
This would all be well and good but the result is that if this field is used as a column name in a crosstab, I can't edit that label, ie change it to "hours" or something simple.
Is there a workaround for this?
Best Answer
@Gregory McDonald (Member)
Edit the calculation on the shelf/mark card by double clicking on the pill (or use dropdown and select 'Edit in Shelf'). Place the cursor before the calculation and type //<Desired Name>. Then press Shift+Enter and then Enter to exit the pill, which will now show Desired Name (without the punctuation).
[Edit] For dimensions, you can just press Enter after Shift+Enter (as described above). For measures, you must move the cursor to either the start (before//) or end of the calculation before pressing Enter. Measures will still show the aggregation used. [Edit of Edit: the aggregation shows only on the shelf, not the chart] (If you put the field on the Text mark instead of the Rows shelf, you could just edit the header alias)
James Emery
Tableau Forums Ambassador
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Ian Zukowski (Member) asked a question.
Looking for a way to split my 6 parameter values in a single-value-list into two columns of three values. I am trying to slot the parameter control into a dashboard I have made, and having an option like this fits the open space much better than the compact-list+type-in options (since AFAIK those options are stuck at size 9 font and only take up a single line worth of vertical space).
Sample image below:
Tracey Stone (Member) asked a question.
1- On the attached dashboard, I would like to change the color of the bar and "Star" if a condition of another field is met.
a. Bar - If there is a date in the Actual Discovery Completion Date field turn the bar green else keep it the same color as the legend
b: Star - If there is a date in the Actual Migration Complete field turn the star green else keep it purple.
2- Create a new filter - When both the actual discovery completion date and actual migration complete are green.. I can choose to filter from the dashboard.
Not sure how I accomplish these tasks.
Best Answer
@Tracey Stone (Member) It does provide the data, but it's not a great sample to show what you are requesting. In 1b, you want the star to be green if there is a date, but there are no values in the data where there is a date. This step can still be completed (howbeit with no green stars). The problem is with question 2. I'm interpreting that as a binary decision: either both fields have dates or at least one field is NULL. The filter is to add/remove all the sites that meet the condition as a block. This can be done with a set filter, but because there is no Sites where 1b is TRUE, the set is empty. To allow you to see how the set filter works, I used the condition to keep the NULL value for that condition.
Question 1a
Create a calculation that tests for an [Actual Discovery Completion] date and return the [Region] if there isn't one, i.e., the field is NULL.
//C_Actual Discovery Completion Test
IF ISNULL([Actual Discovery Completion date])
THEN [Region]
ELSE 'Green' END
Place this calculation on the Color mark for Site Discovery. The legend for this calculation will have a 'Green' entry. If you are going to display the legend, you probably don't want that. Create another sheet and place [Region] on the Color mark. Place this sheet somewhere on your dashboard. You can use the legend Tableau generates for the sheet or you could put [Region] on the Label mark and use the sheet itself as the legend.
Question 1b
Create a calculation to test for an [Actual Migration Complete] date.
//C_Actual Migration Complete Test
IF ISNULL([Actual Migration Complete])
THEN 'Purple'
ELSE 'Green' END
Place this calculation on the Color mark of Target Migration
Question 2
Create a calculation that tests both fields for a date.
//C_Both Conditions Not NULL
NOT ISNULL([Actual Discovery Completion date])
ISNULL([Actual Migration Complete])
//the real calculation should have NOT in front of the [Actual Migration Complete]
Create a set from [Site] by right clicking on pill and selecting Create - Set. On the general tab, select 'Use all'. On the Condition tab, select 'By field', C_Both Conditions Not NULL, Maximum = TRUE (In the workbook, this is set to FALSE because all records are TRUE for one of the conditions). Place the set as an IN/OUT filter. When you uncheck 'OUT' all sites with dates in both fields will be removed.
Srinivasa Rao Digudadi (Member) asked a question.
How to add the background colors for one dimension as attached?
I want the colors like If ShipMode is First Class then Segment values background color is yellow and If ShipMode is Second Class then Segment values background color is Green.
Like that, I want background colors.
Please help me with this.
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