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Ciara Brennan (Tableau)
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Rushil Rawat (Member) asked a question.
import tableauserverclient as TSC
from datetime import datetime
# Tableau server details
server_url = ''
site = ''
token_name = ''
token_value = ''
# Sign in to Tableau Server
tableau_auth = TSC.PersonalAccessTokenAuth(token_name, token_value, site_id=site)
server = TSC.Server(server_url, use_server_version=True)
server.add_http_options({'timeout': 300 * 60})
def list_dashboards(server):
"""Fetch and list all dashboards."""
dashboards = list(TSC.Pager(server.workbooks))
print("\nAvailable Dashboards:")
for i, dashboard in enumerate(dashboards, start=1):
print(f"{i}. {dashboard.name}")
return dashboards
def list_sheets(workbook):
"""List all sheets in a given workbook."""
sheets = workbook.views
print(f"\nAvailable Sheets in Dashboard '{workbook.name}':")
for i, sheet in enumerate(sheets, start=1):
print(f"{i}. {sheet.name}")
return sheets
def parse_filter(filter_input):
"""Parse the filter input into a field and a list of values."""
if ':' in filter_input:
field, values = filter_input.split(':', 1) # Split on the first occurrence of ':'
# Split multiple values into a list
value_list = [v.strip() for v in values.split(',')]
return {"field": field.strip(), "values": value_list}
return None
def apply_filters_and_download_pdf(server, selected_view, filters, pdf_filename):
"""Apply multiple filters and download a screenshot of the filtered sheet as a PDF."""
pdf_request_options = TSC.PDFRequestOptions(
# Apply each filter
for filter_item in filters:
field = filter_item["field"]
values = filter_item["values"]
# Combine multiple values into a single filter string
filter_string = ",".join(values)
pdf_request_options.vf(field, filter_string)
# Fetch the filtered view as a PDF
server.views.populate_pdf(selected_view, pdf_request_options)
with open(pdf_filename, "wb") as pdf_file:
print(f"\nFiltered PDF saved as: {pdf_filename}")
# Main process
with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):
# List dashboards and prompt user to select one
dashboards = list_dashboards(server)
dashboard_index = int(input("\nEnter the number of the dashboard you want to use: ")) - 1
selected_dashboard = dashboards[dashboard_index]
# List sheets in the selected dashboard
sheets = list_sheets(selected_dashboard)
sheet_index = int(input("\nEnter the number of the sheet you want to use: ")) - 1
selected_sheet = sheets[sheet_index]
# Gather filters from the user
filters = []
while True:
print("\nEnter filter and value (format: 'field:value1,value2') or type 'done' to finish:")
filter_input = input("Enter filter (e.g., 'Category:Table,Chair'): ").strip()
if filter_input.lower() == 'done':
filter_item = parse_filter(filter_input)
if filter_item:
print("Invalid filter format. Please use the format 'field:value1,value2'.")
if filters:
# Capture a screenshot of the filtered sheet and save it as a PDF
pdf_filename = f"{selected_sheet.name}_filtered_{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.pdf"
apply_filters_and_download_pdf(server, selected_sheet, filters, pdf_filename)
print("\nNo filters applied. Exiting.")
Ankit Gada (Member) asked a question.
I want to create Tableau Extension that connect Download an image from dashboard and publish the image to Google Gemini. Google Gemini can analyze this image and provide a summary details of the dashboard and insights around it that can be shown in the dashboard. What are the required resources and tools that will be required for this implementation?
Gayan Athukorala (Member) asked a question.
Hi everyone! I'm trying to build a docker image with the tableauhyperapi package, however when I try building the image, I get the following error:
=> ERROR [3/3] RUN pip install tableauhyperapi 0.4s
> [3/3] RUN pip install tableauhyperapi:
0.380 ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tableauhyperapi (from versions: none)
0.380 ERROR: No matching distribution found for tableauhyperapi
I can install the package fine on my laptop (Mac w/ M1 Chip), I only get this error when I try building a docker image with it.
Here is my dockerfile
FROM python:3.8-slim
RUN pip install tableauhyperapi
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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