Welcome to the Tableau Community Forums! The Forums are a wonderful source of information to answer Tableau related questions. Chances are that if you have a question, someone else has asked it in the past or will have the same question in the future. To help you get the most out of the Forums, we’ve put together some guidelines.
Type your question into the search bar to see if an answer already exists in the Forums. If it doesn’t, post your question so that fellow Community members can respond. Ensure your question is specific, clear and complete.
Giving people the chance to actually see your Tableau workbook is the best way for them to help you. When uploading your workbook to the forums, make sure you've created a packaged workbook so that the data along with your analysis is accessible. Without a good example that represents your situation, it may not be possible to get a good solution. Please provide a packaged workbook to help others help you.
If you are unable to post your workbook because of data privacy issues, the next best option is to create a mockup using sample data or taking a screenshot of the issue. Alternatively you can anonymize the data as described here: Anonymize your Tableau Package Data for Sharing. https://vimeo.com/386258492
anonymize from Joe Oppelt on Vimeo.
The vast majority of the answers provided in the forums is from fellow Tableau users that are volunteering their time. We ask that you be respectful, be patient, offer honest help and constructive comments and keep your tone positive.
From any Tableau Community Forums Topic, head to the Unanswered Questions tab to help your fellow Tableau Community members. See the below video to learn how to answer questions on the Tableau Community Forums:
If you spot any inappropriate comments or spam in the community, please flag it by selecting the arrow to the right of the post. This will notify the Tableau Community Managers and allow them to review it.
Do not post any personal, sensitive or confidential information in the community discussion board. If you see a question or response that contains such information please let us know by flagging the content for review.
If you would like to direct message a fellow member of the Forums, simply hover over their name to see the option to message them. Click “Message” and a New Message window will appear.
Tableau Community Forums Update | April 2023
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