Learn foundational skills to jumpstart your data journey
Learn data skills fundamentals with this free online training program. This self-paced course will teach you how to explore, understand, and communicate with data. Training covers key topics, including statistics, understanding data types, and communicating with data
Tableau eLearning allows you to easily onboard and educate your team in a consistent and scalable way. eLearning courses help users learn the ins and outs of Tableau at their own pace, when their schedules allow. Knowledge checks and hands-on activities ensure information is retained. Progress of each student is tracked so you can maximize your investment in Tableau education.
Note: To complete the hands-on activities, you must have at least
an Explorer (can publish) site role and publishing permissions. Important: If you are trying to upload a data source, see next procedure.
To complete a hands-on activity using a starter data file, such as a Microsoft Excel .xlsx file, follow these steps:
Note: To complete the hands-on activities in modules that focus on working with data sources, you must have a Creator site role and publishing permissions.
Tip: Remember to publish the workbook to save your changes:
When you upload a data source using the steps in the previous section (Connecting to a starter data source file on Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server), the data source is embedded in the new workbook as opposed to being published as a stand-alone data source. If you want the data source to be available to share with others, you must save it as a published data source.
In the example shown here, we have started a new workbook and uploaded a data source, Sample - Superstore, connected to the data source, and then saved (published) the new workbook. The uploaded data is an embedded data source in the workbook.
To publish the uploaded data source:
The Analyst learning path has been modified and customized to include skills that are important and relevant for the Data Analyst role. The path also maps to skills tested in the soon-to-release Tableau Certified Data Analyst exam creating a simplified path to certification. Instead of the massive courses (DI, DII, DIII, Tableau Prep Builder), the path is broken down into five-digestible skills paths that combine learning with assessments to keep learners engaged, and provide an optimized and targeted learning experience for the Analyst role.
The courses that made up the previous Learning Path are available on the bottom of the homepage in the “Courses” section. Any progress in these courses made in the learning path will reflect in these as well. They can continue the path of Tableau Fundamentals (previously Desktop I), Tableau Intermediate (previously Desktop II) and Prep Builder there.
You can access all of your eLearning badges from your Credly account at https://www.credly.com/users/sign_in even if they are no longer available for new earners.
· 各コースのレッスン総数のうち完了したレッスン数は、ご自身のプロフィールページで確認できます。詳しくは、「自分のプロフィールページを見る方法を教えてください」を参照してください。
· また、コース概要のページでは、完了したレッスンの横にチェックマークが表示されるほか、そのコースタイトルのレッスン総数のうち完了しているレッスン数も右上隅に表示されます。
· 右上隅にあるプロフィール画像の横のドロップダウン矢印をクリックし、[私のプロフィール] を選択します。プロフィール画像上で [更新] をクリックします。希望する画像を参照して選択し、[開く] をクリックします。これで画像が更新されます。
· サブスクリプションの有効期限は、お客様の中央管理者から送られた招待メールに記載されていることがあります。記載されていない場合は中央管理者にお問い合わせください。また、クレジットカードでご自身の eLearning ライセンスを購入された場合は、購入日の 1 年後が有効期限です。
· Necesita el código de acceso para registrarse en el aprendizaje virtual la primera vez que inicia sesión. Solicite el código de acceso al administrador central de su organización si aún no tiene uno.
· Visite elearning.tableau.com.
· Haga clic en el enlace Olvidé la contraseña debajo del botón Iniciar sesión.
· Recibirá un correo electrónico de restablecimiento de contraseña.
Podrá ver e imprimir su certificado de finalización del curso desde su página de perfil. Para acceder a la página de perfil, en la esquina superior derecha, haga clic en la flecha desplegable situada junto a su imagen
· de perfil y, a continuación, haga clic en Mi perfil. Haga clic en Ver certificado y, después, en el certificado para abrirlo o descargar un documento PDF de este que se puede imprimir.
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