Check out the First Time Here Guide for tips and tricks on how to use the Forums!
Keeping our community a fun and vibrant place means having a clear way to handle questions about conduct as well as suggestions for improving how things run. Below is a guide that gives easy steps for resolving the most common questions about the Tableau Community.
Check out the "Community" topic. It's our dedicated discussion area for all things non-product related including ideas for improving the site as well as talking about things like etiquette and conflict resolution. Feel free to start a new discussion and ask anything you want. Don't be surprised to get feedback from both Tableau employees as well as other community members.
The Ideas page was specifically built for your feedback! It allows people to give us input on things they think we should change and then lets the rest of the Community vote on the suggestions as well. That way everyone is informed and the Community Managers know what is most important to folks. Submit a new idea by clicking the "Submit a new idea" link and choosing the topic "Community". Alternatively, checkout the Community Topic and get involved in the discussion and post any feedback you may have.
Report the comment or thread by selecting the arrow icon beside the post and select the "Flag" button. Select as "Not Appropriate" or "Spam". You may also leave a note for moderators.
Yes there is. Simply type the '@' symbol and you should see a list of people to mention including either Ciara Brennan, David Browne, Birgit Hansen or Stephen Munoz. Choosing either one of their names will create a 'Mention' of them which triggers an email into their inbox with your full comment.
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