![External User - Javier Sutanto (Customer)](https://community.tableau.com/img/userprofile/default_profile_45_v2.png)
Javier Sutanto (Member) asked a question.
I'm trying to building the concept 'color analysis' from https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/kevin.flerlage/viz/ConnerHighSchoolBowling/Individual
My goal is: color flight path based on the
First, user needs to click : Color Path by: Let's say the user clicks "Airlines"
Then, the selection 1 should be all airlines and selection 1 should be blue color
Selection 2 cannot be the same as selection 1 (For example, I choose Airline X in the selection 1, Airline X can't appear in the selection 2 and 3)
Selection 3 cannot be the same as selection 2 and 1
Others = Grey
Additional complexity in my dashboard vs the example from Tableau Public:
My dashboard has a case statement that can be tricky when we add the parameter for the color.
In Kevin's example, he only added the players in the parameter. But, since I'm using CASE statement, parameter won't work because it won't be updating based user's selection
Is there any way to do this? or maybe a better solution for UX experience?
Thank you!